Gamers have been enjoying the Crysis 3 beta for a little while. We have as well. That’s why Ben, Darrin, and myself took a brief moment to discuss some quick impressions on the beta.
Jake: Okay guys. So the Crysis 3 beta has been going on. I think the most important thing to ask is. Is anyone even good at it?
Ben: I don’t know if there is more than just that one mode of invisible dudes versus army guys, but I could never see the invisible players. I did get a couple bow kills while invisible though. I think I came in second to last, like a boss.
Editor’s note: there are two modes. Hunter, which is the mode referenced here, and crash site, which is like king of the hill.
Darrin: I’ve been coming in at the middle of the pack in the Crash Site mode, which is better than I deserve. I’m apparently really good at Hunter as long as I’m not the one being hunted. Otherwise I suck.
Jake: Okay. So we’re all bad.
Darrin: Agreed. It does feel like a prettier, much faster version of Call of Duty. I really like the ability to cloak in the Crash Site mode, even if it is for a limited amount of time. I’m really digging what I’ve played so far.
Jake: Compared to the last version though, I don’t know.
Jake: Maybe it’s the larger map sizes throwing me for a loop.Ben, how’s it look on PS3?
Ben: I’m playing it on PC, and it looks damn good. Darrin’s the one on PS3.
Darrin: And it looks damn fine on PS3.
Jake: Does it really compare to PC though? I mean, it’s gorgeous beyond…well..Um. It’s bloody gorgeous.
Darrin: Probably not, but it’s a good alternative to those who can’t afford a PC to run it.
Ben: Yeah, it looks good but it doesn’t look like too much of an improvement over Crysis 2. These levels might not be a good indication, though.
Jake: If anything, it just looks like the game’s been more polished on PC. Especially since E3. It looks a tad bit better. Overall though, has the multiplayer won you guys over?
Darrin: I’m in the “maybe” camp. It’s my first experience with Crysis, but I liked what I played.
Ben: I played a handful of matches last night. It is very fast paced, as has been said, but I like it. However, I wouldn’t really spend too much time with it as I’m not big into multiplayer shooters anymore. And I’m just too bad at it to consider getting really into it anyway. I am interested in actually playing the single player part now, though.
Jake: I enjoyed the single player back at E3. There was a nice challenge and it mixed the things I liked about the first two games in the series. Darrin, I’d definitely recommend picking up the first two games.