If you are not familiar, SolForge Fusion is a CCG (Collectable Card Game) created by Richard Garfield (Magic The Gathering) and Justin Gary (Ascension). It started as a physical card game and it is now making its way over to Steam. I have been having the best time in its single-player campaign mode. It reminds me of MTG with roguelite elements.
One of the mechanics that makes this game unique from its counterparts is how your cards continue to grow in strength as you play. Each time you play a card, base power and abilities grow. I am also a fan of SolForge Fusion’s campaign mode. Each time you defeat an enemy, you get to choose a perk that will help you but also a perk that will assist the enemy. If you lose a battle, you start over from the beginning but as you gain experience, your deck becomes stronger with abilities that you maintain.
It’s easier to show you than write about it. So let’s check it out.