In a dying game industry plagued by a common pattern of look here, shoot there, and creativity reaching an all time low. Nintendo, in an unorthodox approach to solving this problem have announced. they’ll be recruiting students to solve this gaming drought. Nintendo will be looking for students solely in the Tokyo and Osaka region, students from universities, graduate school, college, or technical college may enter into a contest for a position in this new program.
The Seminar will last a total of 8 months and will be taught in an in-home fashion where students will have a class to attend and projects to work on at home. Essentially it’s a crash course on what it is like to work in the gaming industry by introducing you to standard hustle and bustle of the games industry. Student’s will work in teams, submit small group projects, and even present them to prominent people within Nintendo to consider publishing their game if they see fit.
For more information on the Seminar and other information regarding signing up for it and competing for a spot. Please click here.