If you were tuned into Sony’s E3 2012 Press Conference last night, you witnessed the groundbreaking preview of Naughty Dog‘s newest hit The Last of Us. This gruesome, post-apocalyptic adventure ended the press conference with a bang, and I think it’s safe to say that The Last of Us is officially one of the most anticipated games of the year (even more-so than it was before)!
As the room went dark and the audience grew silent, I had no idea what was happening at the time; then it hit me. I began to hear breathing, running, and struggle and I instantly knew that this was the moment I’ve been waiting for: It was finally time for The Last of Us.
The 6 and a half minute segment starts off in a cafe; Joel breathing heavy, Ellie anxious, and the mood is perfectly set. As we step outside, we are staring at a city which has become nothing more than decay and debris. The camera slowly pans to show the environment, the scenery, and the flawless detail that Naughty Dog is known for. The dialogue between Ellie and Joel is short, sweet, and comfortable, providing us with a subtle taste of the relationship they share.
After exploring for a bit, we’re introduced to some not-so-friendly combatants, and get a glimpse of the swift cover system as Joel hugs wall corners and ducks behind overturned tables. The combat system is unlike anything I’ve ever seen; much more intense and brutal than the combat in Uncharted, The Last of Us really does an amazing job of portraying the realism, strife, and panic anyone would face when put in this kind of situation.
As Joel is against the floor fighting for his life, Ellie stabs the enemy in the back just enough to weaken him, allowing Joel to throw him off, tower over him and… well… blow his head off with a shotgun. The screen goes black, the audience roars, and Naughty Dog has once again stolen the show. You can check out The Last of Us footage from the Sony Press E3 2012 Conference below:
[stream provider=youtube flv=http%3A//www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3D2MPRaXpUbKk img=x:/img.youtube.com/vi/2MPRaXpUbKk/0.jpg embed=true share=false width=640 height=360 dock=true controlbar=over skin=dangdang.swf bandwidth=high autostart=false /]
There are still no details on a release date, but be sure to stick around as we’ll provide you with The Last of Us news, updates, and all other E3 2012 coverage!