I’m sure you’re all familiar with the popular family board game Scene it?. Wait, you’re not? Well you should be. Especially considering that it’ll soon be making an appearance on XBLA and PSN. The upcoming Mega Movie title spans the biggest blockbusters in cinema history from The Godfather to modern must-sees like The Social Network through 14 different kinds of competitive puzzles. A great game for party play to find out who is truly a movie maven, and who fell asleep in the theater. Check out this release trailer to get yourself into the right mind set:
[stream provider=youtube flv=http%3A//www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3D9AQUHdDJfrM img=x:/img.youtube.com/vi/9AQUHdDJfrM/0.jpg embed=true share=true width=640 height=480 dock=true controlbar=over bandwidth=high autostart=false /]
I’m most excited to finally be able to put my Will Ferrel Based knowledge to use. Scene it? Movie Night will be released on both XBLA and PSN on November 30th, just in time to catch the back-end of those thanksgiving celebrations!