After Kotaku leaked a ton of details on Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, Infinity Ward’s creative strategist, Robert Bowling, known on Twitter as @FourZeroTwo, said the following:
A lot of hype & a lot of leaked info on #MW3, some still accurate, some not. To avoid spoiling the experience, I’d wait for the real reveal.
A few hours ago, the first trailer hit the Internet: Am3rica. Check it out:
[stream provider=youtube flv=http%3A// img=x:/ embed=true share=true width=620 height=495 dock=true controlbar=over bandwidth=high autostart=false /]
Not two hours later, the second trailer hit: 3ngland:
[stream provider=youtube flv=http%3A// img=x:/ embed=true share=true width=620 height=495 dock=true controlbar=over bandwidth=high autostart=false /]
And finally, a third trailer has been posted, G3rmany:
[stream provider=youtube flv=http%3A// img=x:/ embed=true share=true width=620 height=495 dock=true controlbar=over bandwidth=high autostart=false /]
The three trailers available let us know the game will take place in both London and New York City. The third video, I’m not sure of the location due to some sort of explosion destroying everything.
I expect we’ll be seeing more bits leak out before E3, but Infinity Ward will probably blow the doors of the hinges, so to speak, once they have the world’s attention on-stage.
[Source: @fourzerotwo via Twitter]