One Gaming Headset for Every Platform | EPOS H3 Hybrid

EPOS H3 Hybrid

EPOS has audio solutions for all types of situations. Recently, there have been some really high-quality products added to their gaming lineup. The EPOS H6 Pro is a high-quality wired headset with styling that appeals to both gamers and non-gamers alike. The EPOS H3 Hybrid is a wireless headset that has that same great styling and solid build quality.

The H3 Hybrid really lives up to its name with three different types of connectivity. Users will be able to connect using Bluetooth, USB, and a 3.5mm headphone jack. This means that this headset can be used on almost any type of device. One unique feature that was really impressive is its ability to connect to multiple devices at the same time. For example, if you are using the headset on a PC using the USB cable or 35mm jack, you can be connected to a cellphone at the same time using Bluetooth. The audio for each device can be controlled independently. The sound quality for the removable microphone is pretty good as well. Using the EPOS Gaming Suite, you will be able to create presets for both the microphone and headset. The Bluetooth sync button is used to switch between these presets once created.

As stated before, the build quality is impeccable. The plastic has a soft satin feel to it. The removable microphone is connected with a very strong magnet so you don’t have to worry about it accidentally falling off and getting lost. The earcups and headband are very soft and comfortable. You can purchase and replace the earcups if they are ever worn down. There is a good amount of flexion in the headband so it is comfortable for long play or listening sessions.

With a price tag of $179, it would be hard to find a pair of headphones that offer the same level of quality and amount of features. If you are a person that needs one headset that will fit many needs, this may be the one for you.

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