Pay attention to the clues
The Libertad has left a ton of clues around Yara for people that are a part of the revolution. There are a ton of roads to take where you are less likely to be spotted by the enemy. There are also crafting stations and resources scattered throughout these roads. There are signs for hidden chests that may contain crafting materials, gear, or weapons.
Don’t buy weapons right away
As stated before, there are a ton of hidden paths and materials hidden around the map. Most of these things are marked with the color blue. You are able to buy weapons pretty early but they can be a little expensive starting off. Finding gear and weapons in crates will save you a lot of money early on. Once you leave the starting area in the game, there are tons of chests to find.

Watch out for Exclamation Points
When exploring the map of Yara, you will start to notice exclamation points popping up. This can mean a multitude of things. These could point out letters that lead to extra side missions, Prisoners that need rescuing, NPCs pointing out materials or side missions, or Yaran soldiers that can be bribed for information. You don’t need to stop and investigate everyone, but there are a lot of valuable things to be discovered so don’t dismiss them.

Become a Hunter
You will encounter a ton of different animals in Yara (and some can be very annoying). It is easy to ignore some and run from others but you will want to pay a little more attention here. Each animal gives you materials to trade for other resources at the various vendors. Also, you will want to get access to the bow as soon as possible. You can hunt animals with your normal guns but it will damage the meat and you will get fewer resources when trading. You can kill animals with your melee weapon but that can get cumbersome and annoying sometimes and you aren’t able to sneak up on animals like birds.
Use the right tool for the job
You will hear this time and time again when Playing Far Cry 6. There is more than one way to approach every situation and there is a mix of things to consider when choosing your gear. If you are more of a stealthy player, you will definitely want to invest in scope and silencer attachments and pay attention to the perks on your gear that can support that playstyle. You may be forced to enter a situation where silenced weapons are not the best option. There are certain drawbacks to different weapon types, so only being equipped with one type of weapon will not work well in call cases.