Deep Silver Reveals More Dead Island Riptide and Sacred 3 News

Deep Silver has clued us in on  two of its upcoming titles: Dead Island Riptide: Drowning Hope and Sacred 3.

Dead Island Riptide is the next installment in the young zombie-hunting saga that debuted last year. It picks up where the last game left off with the same party of characters but with several additions to the gameplay, an intense climate, and, most importantly, new zombie mutations.

Your party will struggle through a series of islands hit by a monsoon, encountering deadly winds and rainstorms that create a dynamic, unpredictable environment. And how will you get from one island to the next? Boats. With zombies charging at you in the choppy waves, we can only imagine your oars will get a little bloody.

We don’t know much about Dead Island Riptide but are excited for a couple of new  features. First, Deep Silver has added a fifth character character to your party who will have a unique set of abilities. That will vary your party’s strategies and suggests that the waves of zombies or difficulty might go beyond what we’ve experienced from this franchise.

Second, a set of “hub defense missions” will emphasize a rich tower defense gameplay — laying traps, putting up fences, and utilizing turrets — to protect sheltered survivors. Deep Silver has also mentioned a new set of communication features integrated into cooperative play.

Dead Island Riptide hits store shelves in 2013 for Playstation 3, Xbox 360, and PC.

Continuing the action RPG franchise, Sacred 3 centers around the tyrannical reign of Zane Ashen and his lust for the Heart of Ancaria.

Players will be able to form up to 4-hero parties and will compete among each other for special items and abilities while combating Zane’s forces. Deep Silver has not revealed all character classes yet but has given a sense of familiarity to the world of Sacred; fans will recognize certain environments in the game, but such locales may not look & play the same as they did in previous games.

Sacred 3 makes its way onto Playstation 3, Xbox 360, and PC in 2013. A sidescroller and prelude to Sacred 3, Sacred Citadel, will be available through Xbox Live, PSN, and Steam next year as well.

Deep Silver has worked on successful titles in the past including last year’s Catherine and Anno 1701. For updates on Deep Silver’s endeavors, check out

Images provided by Deep Silver PR.

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