You Won’t Believe the Number of Jumping Jacks, and The Most Used Gun, In The Division

The Division, Ubisoft,

Ubisoft has released some statistics from The Division‘s first month of release, and the results are intriguing to say the least. Generally, after a video game has been out for a month, the big statistic that gets bandied about is how much it sold overall, how it did on particular platforms, how many people are playing simultaneously on said platforms, etc. While that’s interesting enough data, there’s so much potential to really dig into the minutae about what players are up to in the game. To this end, Ubisoft released an infographic yesterday on their blog. In it, which you can see below, it shows a relatively even split between people playing co-op versus solo, which to this writer seems slightly surprising — the number of solo players is higher than expected.

The Division Infographic

That information however pales in comparison to some truly shocking revelations about life in post-Black Friday New York (current population: 8,550,405 people). Looking at the data, it is extremely heartening to see that 250 million civilians have been helped by players (meaning every citizen has been saved from mortal danger approximately once per day over the last month). In addition to this, it seems that even in the face of all-out societal collapse, New Yorkers still take their cardio seriously; 150 million jumping jacks have been done since the pandemic and subsequent activation of The Division!

Not all the data presented has been this positive however. The ‘Number of Enemies Killed’ statistic is extremely troubling. According to Ubisoft’s data, the total number of enemies killed in-game is over 17 BILLION. Without proper context, it is difficult to properly unpack that number. However, it does strongly suggest that one of the following two scenarios is true:

  1. The population of New York is far greater than Wikipedia says.
  2. In The Division, the entire population of Earth has been wiped out 2.3 times over in just the past month.

At this time, Ubisoft has not elaborated on this alarming number of deaths other than by making the offhand comment that “from the looks of it, you’ve all been busy.” One possible speculation is that it could also have something to do with players’ preferred primary weapon in The Division — you all know what it is.

Jackie Brown AK-47

Tom Clancy’s The Division was released on March 8, 2016 to PS4, Xbox One, and PC. You can check out our review here.

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