Top 10 X-Men Stories, Part 2 (5-1) (Avengers VS X-Men)

Welcome back, for the conclusion of my favorite X-Men stories. If you’re just joining us, be sure to check out part one. So, without further hesitation, here’s my five favorites X-Men arcs!

#5: Age of Apocalypse

 Written by: Many, including Scott Lobdell, Mark Waid, and Fabian Nicieza

 Illustrated by: Many, including Roger Cruz, Steve Epting, and Joe Madureira

Reason on list: What if there was no Xavier? And what if Apocalypse, a living testament to Social Darwinism, ruled the world? These two questions propelled one of the most beloved stories in X-Men history. In this alternate reality, Magneto runs the X-Men and is married to Rogue. Cyclops and Havok are Prelates under Mr. Sinister. Jean Grey and Wolverine are vigilante lovers. Most X-Men make an appearance and seeing the alternate versions of familiar characters is very cool. Age of Apocalypse is not a single run, but a collection of ten different stories that tie together. The whole series has been collected into four epic volumes. One of the most epic and ambitious stories told. It’s a lengthy read, but well worth it.

Highlight Moment: This goes to Kurt Darkholme (Nightcrawler). His run, X-Calibre, is a highlight of the series, showing how awesome this character can be. Also, Blink is really, really cool. And so is Nate Grey (Cable). Lot of good moments.

Fun Fact: Uncanny X-Force recently revisited the Age of Apocalypse in The Dark Angel Saga, and has begun a new series. Kurt Darkholme is now a member of X-Force.



#4: Messiah Complex


 Written by: Ed Brubaker, Mike Carey, Peter David, Craig Kyle and Christopher Yost. All amazing writers.

 Illustrated by: Many, including Mark Silvestri, Chris Bachalo and Billy Tan

Reason on list: After M-Day, no mutants were born for a long time, leading to the extinction-based mindset so prevalent in recent stories. Messiah Complex is about the first mutant born after M-Day, whom many believe to be the Mutant Messiah. Because of this, every pro- and anti-mutant group wants to get their hands on her, including but not limited to the X-Men, the Purifiers, X-Factor, the Acolytes, the Reavers, the Marauders, and Cable. This was the first big event I read, and it is really fantastic. There are many groups and characters, but somehow the writers manage to use them well. Most, if not all, of the stories that follow Messiah Complex have been influenced by it, or are because of it.

This is a great jumping on point for modern X-Men stories, as it gives you a taste of most of the current groups, and influences everything that has come after it. And it’s awesome. It’s really awesome.

Highlight Moment: The huge fight at the climax between the X-Men, X-Force, the New X-Men, the Marauders, and Predator X.

Fun Fact: The baby, Hope Summers, is now one of the main characters of the X-Men, and the focus of the upcoming Avengers VS X-Men.



#3: The Dark Angel Saga

 Written by: Rick Remender

 Illustrated by: Many, including Billy Tan, Mark Brooks and Jerome Opena

Reason on list: Angel has struggled with the taint of Apocalypse for a long time, and it has finally taken control. It’s up to his Uncanny X-Force teammates (Wolverine, Psylocke, Fantomex, and Deadpool) to save him. To do so, they must enter into the Age of Apocalypse.

Rick Remender is one of the best writers currently active. His ability to not only create an epic story with dire circumstances, but take a gallery of rogues, and turn them into one of the most effective, interesting and powerful (both physically and morally) teams is astounding. There aren’t many people I would trust with the return to the Age of Apocalypse, but Remender pulled it off. The Uncanny X-Force has never had a tougher enemy than one of their own. The amount of emotion the characters display, especially Psylocke, is staggering. I would also be remiss to fail to mention the artwork for this book. It’s extremely detailed and well drawn. An epic story required epic art, and the Dark Angel Saga delivers on both fronts. The stakes are extremely high, the fates of two universes are at stake, and your good guys are very human and flawed. What are you waiting for?

Highlight Moment: The return to the Age of Apocalypse, the huge fight at the end, the final confrontation between Psylocke and Archangel. Fantomex.


#2: Joss Whedon’s Astonishing X-Men

 Written by: Joss Whedon (Buffy, Angel, Firefly, The Avengers movie. THAT Joss Whedon)

 Illustrated by: John Cassaday

Reason on list: First of all, JOSS WHEDON! Joss. Whedon.

Needless to say, I’m a big fan of all of Joss Whedon’s work (even Dollhouse), and Astonishing X-Men is no exception. No one writes characters like Whedon, particularly female characters, and Astonishing X-Men continues that. The story centers around Kitty Pryde, and her return to the X-Men. Whedon has said that Pryde was an influence for Buffy, and a favorite character of his, and you can see some parallels between the two characters. Pryde is an amazingly strong character, definitely different from most comic book females. She dresses normally, has a normal bust size, doesn’t shy away from the front lines at all, and makes many tough decisions. The ending is one of her best moments ever. In addition to Kitty being really awesome, so is the rest of the cast. Whedon is one of the best dialogue writers. Few people have been able to capture the wit and humor he’s able to convey with the simplest of lines.

Whedon’s Astonishing X-Men is a spiritual follow up to Morrison’s New X-Men (#7 on my list). He makes a few changes, though. His stories are lighter and Morrison’s, and he puts the X-Men back in costumes. This series sums up what makes the X-Men great. Fantastic characters, great dialog, great art, dire circumstances, and stronger heroes.

This series is also notable for being the only time I really, truly liked Cyclopes. It took Joss Whedon to make me like Cyclopes.

Highlight Moment: The ending. It shows what Kitty Pryde is capable of. One of the most memorable moments in X-Men history.




Written by: Craig Kyle and Christopher Yost

Illustrated by: Clayton Crain, Mike Choi, Gabriele Dell’Otto

Reason on list: This is it folks, my favorite X-Story. This was the story that changed things for me. I’d never read a book like this before. By far one of the darkest, most violent, and most intense comics I’ve read, it is magnificent. This is Craig Kyle and Christopher Yost at their best. Throughout their run, X-Force would destroy the legacy virus, time travel to the future to defend Cable and Hope, face off against the Sapien League, destroy a Weapon X facility, defend the Mutant Messiah, and kill a god. It’s an intense book.  There was also a lot of death. This series did not shy away from killing characters, like Yost and Kyle’s previous Childhood’s End, including several main characters. I’m still reeling from a few.

After Messiah Complex, Cyclops decided there needed to be a team to deal with anti-mutant terrorists permanently, and X-Force was born. Starting with Wolverine, X-23, and Warpath, it would also grow to include Archangel, Domino, Elixer and the Vanisher. Each of these characters on their own is a certifiable badass, but teamed up, they are unstoppable. I love this group of characters. Everyone loves Wolverine, but most of the others weren’t as popular at X-Force’s launch. X-23 is now one of my favorite characters, one of the few characters possibly more dangerous than Wolverine. Warpath is another amazing character. It is his knowledge and abilities that allows X-Force to kill a god. Domino is the perfect Femme Fatale. Every group needs a healer, and Elixer readily fills that spot. But don’t write him off, after all, he did kill Stryker. The characters are extremely well written and interesting. It is a very unique team.

X-Force would go through several events, including the Messiah War, X-Necrosha, and the Second Coming. It would conclude with Sex and Violence, the perfect epilogue. Focusing on Domino and Wolverine, Sex and Violence squares them off against most of the assassin groups in the Marvel Universe. It’s a lot of fun and beautifully drawn.

X-Force is dark, violent, deadly, beautiful and amazing. X-Force is my favorite X-Men story.


So there you have it. My top 10 favorite X-Men stories. Did I miss something? Give something else too much credit? Leave a comment or find me on twitter @theindiegeek.

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