The Comic Fanatic, 6/6: Comic Review Blitz

Last week I went into great depth about two comics. This week, I’m going to do the opposite. I’m gonna give you a little bit about a lot of comics. There were quite a few good comics this week, but no real standouts. First up in this Comic Review Blitz is Avengers Arena.


Honestly, I’m ready for Avengers Arena to end, especially after this last issue. I’m tired of seeing many of my favorite characters butcher each other for the whim of Arcade. It’s not poorly written, but I am tired of it. It’s become more of a ‘Who’s dead this week?’, like The Walking Dead or Game of Thrones. Also noticed that Hopeless is leaning towards killing existing characters instead of the new ones, as if he’s trying to make people mad. Pretty sure I should just assume that X-23 is gonna die. Worked with Nightcrawler in X-Termination. Also, looking like a Young Avengers/Runaways reunion is getting less and less likely.


Next up we have Age of Ultron #9, one more issue to go with this event. You’ve probably noticed that I’ve not talked about it at all, unlike last summer’s AVX. Mostly because it’s been really mediocre. For a series this long in the making, it has certainly been a letdown. There’s some interesting ideas, and I’m sure the conclusion will be interesting and have universe wide ramifications about dealing with time travel. But so far it’s just been very ‘meh’. That said, Neil Gaiman is coming to Marvel. That alone is worth putting up with a lackluster event for.


I think The Movement #2 might be my favorite book of this week. Now that the introductory first issue is out of the way, Simone wastes no time into getting into the grit of the group. The characters and setting are interesting, it’s got a great style and a very cool feel and vibe to the book. I enjoy the darker, rebellious street level book, and in the hands of a capable writer like Simone, we should be in for a treat. It’s nice to see a completely fresh team of brand new characters with a strong group dynamic. Reminds me of a favorite of mine, Scarlet. If you’re looking for something new, try The Movement.


Now, for something completely different, we have Ten Grand #2. And by different I mean totally awesome. This issue goes a long way to flesh out Joe’s character, motivation, and abilities. We also find out his last name, Fitzgerald. If you enjoy strange, magic/spiritual themes as well as guns and action and complex characters, look no further. Did I mention the art is also incredible? Templesmith’s portrayal of the forces that be is wall worthy. Stunningly beautiful. If you’re a Hellblazer fan who’s not satisfied with Constantine, check this out. It might be more to your liking.


Fearless Defenders #5  has by far the best cover of the week. Very clever, and for once it’s not cover trickery. All those characters you see are in this issue. It’s nuts, awesome and extremely fun. I can’t help but feel this series won’t last long, which is a shame because it is very fun with some under-used characters. Very good action, great buddy banter, it’s a welcome book of levity compared to all the other dark and dire books on the shelves. Sit back, relax, and watch some awesome femme fatales kick undead butt. Works for me. Fast, frantic and fun. Also, great art and some of the best covers.


The Uncanny Avengers have been busy. Despite not having a new issue of their own book, they managed to show up in both Cable & X-Force, and All New X-Men. In the former the show up to harass Hope for a bit, and being her father’s daughter, she takes them on handily. No Cable or X-Force in this issue, but I do like seeing Hope do her thing. Mutant Messiah to … nothing? Figure she’d at least be regular at the school.

all-new-x-men-12All New has some truly great scenes. Havok meets his younger older brother and it’s very heartfelt and honest. Then Jean casually reads Wanda’s mind and learns about M-Day. Everyone proceeds to freak out.  Good times. Cable & X-Force continues to be decent, while All New X-Men keeps hitting home runs.


You need to read East of West. No ifs, ands, or buts. You. Need. To. Read. It. An exceptional story from an exceptional writer in an exceptional setting. Fans of wastelands, westerns, apocalypses, Fallout and The Dark Tower especially. Read this one.

Avengers #13 continues the story from the previous issue with Thor and Hyperion looking for the lost children. Not a bad issue, but I’m still waiting for the big cataclysmic events that Hickman is known for. As well as the rest of the roster, there’s still spots unclaimed. I’m very curious to see who else Hickman has up his sleeve.

I was a bit disappointed by Invincible Universe #4. It’s not poorly written, but I’m don’t care about the characters involved, and they’re pretty uninteresting. Would think that this early on in the series they’d use established characters as hooks to introduce new ones. Don’t have have to  be Mark or Eve, but someone like Robot, Monster Girl or Wolf Man or the other established Guardians. Nevertheless, it’s still Invincible.


Lastly, not new but I loved Stumptown. Great mystery from Greg Rucka. I’m getting excited for Lazarus later this month, so I’m going back and reading old Rucka (Batwoman, Queen and Country, Wolverine). The man can write, that’s for sure.

There you have it folks, ten issues. Some outstanding (East of West, The Movement, Ten Grand) some not so (Invincible Universe), and some ‘I wish they’d stop emulating George RR Martin’. See you next week.

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