The Comic Fanatic 6/1: X-Men, The Wake

This week in comics there were two very stand out issues: X-Men #1 by Bryan Wood and Oliver Coipel, and The Wake #1 by Scott Snyder and Sean Murphy. Two exceptional first issues from some very talented creative teams. Also, there’s some funny business in JLA.


First up, we have X-Men #1 from Wood and Coipel. But before you sigh and say ‘yet another X-Book’, hear me out. It’s really good. Wood is bringing his A game, and the art is incredible. This new team is comprised of Kitty, Jubilee, Rachel, Storm, Rogue and Psylocke. You may notice that these are all women, and be asking why don’t they call the book X-Women. Because, as Wood as said in many interviews, it’s not about gender. It’s a team that he wanted to put together, and even though they’re all women, they are all X-Men. Their gender isn’t the primary characteristic, their X-gene and heroics are. It’s a great time in comics when you can have enough great female characters from one group to put a team like this together. Liken it to Carol Danvers being Captain Marvel instead of Miss Marvel anymore.


The story involves John Sublime, a parasitic body swapper (previous X-villain), his sister, and some kid Jubliee picked up. Largely an introductory issue to the series, Wood’s writing shows great promise for the series. The initial monologue about Jubliee’s place in the X-Men is heartfelt, and the character interactions feel natural. He feel comfortable in the voice of his characters. Wood is one of the most versatile writers active, excelling in all forms of writing from American war stories (DMZ) to modern superheroes (Mara), environmentalist exploration (The Massive) or classic Science Fiction (Star Wars). This guy can do it all. I am excited to see him lend his considerable talents to a team of many of my favorite characters.


Naturally with a team like this, one can’t help but conjecture about who else might show up. My first thought is X-23, but to be honest I don’t care if she shows up for now, I just really want her to live through the events of Avengers Arena. Domino’s already with Cable. Would be cool to see some of the younger X-Men like Surge, Dust, Pixie or Mercury help out. Maybe Molly Hayes from Runaways? Agent Brand could be fun. Hope? Former Mutant Messiah, nowadays…? Girl with a jetpack? Bring back Blink, that’d cause me to but the issue many times over, or any of the old Exile characters, really. Just speculation of things that probably won’t happen.


Last thing to note about this issue is that’s one of the most beautiful issues I’ve read this year. Everything about the art, the colors, the linear design and characters are just incredible. Each page could be a wall poster. Seriously, X-Men #1 is a beautiful and exceptionally well written book. Even if you’re not normally a fan of the X-Men, or all female teams, give it a try, you may like what you see. Don’t miss this one.


On the other side of the spectrum we have The Wake #1 from Vertigo, written by Scott Snyder (Batman, American Vampire) and illustrated by Sean Murphy (Punk Rock Jesus).  For those of us who’s pull list has been suffering since American Vampire’s hiatus, here’s the perfect book to fill its slot. It’s not Pearl or Skinner, but it IS Snyder and Vertigo! The story follows Dr. Lee Archer, a scientist who specializes in marine audio, as she gets roped into a deep sea expedition in a world that’s similar to ours but just a bit different. It appears (isn’t explicitly stated) that the ice caps have melted. The water levels seem much higher. However, this is just speculation and one of the strong points of the book. We’re dropped in media res, right in the middle of things and figure out while it goes on. Quite fun actually.


I’m rather excited for the next issue. Being a Snyder Vertigo book, it’s safe to surmise that whatever is down in the deeps either neither friendly, ordinary, or safe. The whole issue feels like The Massive meets Retrovirus. You have an expert scientist who had a falling out with her previous company, in this case NOAA. A risky expedition to parts unknown by a man in black who properly incentivizes our doctor with an off she can’t refuse. Also, a team of other experts who will probably die by the unknown unspeakable horror. Familiar tropes, but it’s a good recipe, and I expect Snyder to mix it up a bit.


Scott Snyder writing should be reason enough alone to pick this book up, but trust me on this that it’s a good read. It’s the first of ten issues (tennis shoes?) which should give the team a long time to tell a creative and entertaining tale. The setting is unique, and I want to know what the team finds down below. But we know already, don’t we? It’s Cthulhu, right? Synder and Murphy have written a great intro issue to a miniseries that will keep up on our toes and out of the water for some time. Just don’t expect any vampires around.

Also, some potentially (but probably not) DCU changing events happen in JLA #4. Which will hopefully get Nocenti out of comics.

There you have it, fellow True Believers. X-Men and The Wake, two great new series that are well worth your hard earned Washingtons. Hope you enjoy, and I’ll see you next week.

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