Amoungst the excitement of Pokemon Go, let’s not forget that at the end of this year Pokemon Sun and Moon are dropping on the 3DS! With the latest trailer it looks like this iteration of Pokemon is unlike any we’ve seen before!
There was a ton of new information given to fans on August 1st about Pokemon Sun and Moon! Firstly, it looks like some old Pokemon are getting an aesthetic and a type overhaul in the Alola region. Exeggutor, Vulpix/Ninetales and Sandshrew/Sandslash have all received type change in Alola – and they look amazing.

There were a few new Pokemon showcased in the trailer as well. Including a dancing bird who changes type based on location, an orchid mantis Pokemon and a cute-ass donkey Pokemon. There were more to be seen – it was a big announcement – but the largest news came from the way the game will be played.
It seems there will be no gyms in this game, rather you will be set on trials to become the very best. Each trial has a Pokemon type set to it and a Trial Captain who will tell you what needs to be done to complete it. After completing the trials you can face off against the Kahuna – the leader – of that island.
Lastly is the addition of Z moves which are specialized powerful moves that can be unleashed once per battle. Each Pokemon type has specific move to devastate your opponent, but since it’s once per match you’ll have to use it wisely.
Pokemon Sun and Moon are coming November 18th of this year. If you’re a fan of the series you’re probably only getting more excited that this is not going to be like any Pokemon game we’ve ever played!