New FutureMark Benchmarking Tool Stuns and Amazes

With E3 2014 occupying the game industry all week, FutureMark; Creators of 3DMark (a PC Benchmarking tool) tried to stealthily launch a new benchmarking app that’s capable of testing those computer rigs out there that are rocking DirectX11 GPU’s!

3DMark Sky Diver has you free falling through canyons and over dangerous obstacles that would surely obliterate a human being, should they be unfortunate enough to hit one of these things. 3DMark Sky Diver is simply beautiful when running on a PC capable of max-to-ultra settings, It’s truly something to behold. And because of just how awesome it is, I’ve managed to find a video showing the entire test in all it’s HD glory. Please sit back and enjoy the video below.

That video is just pure awesome! Here’s a quick rundown of exactly how the test is performed on Nvidia GPU’s.

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3DMark Sky Diver benchmark tests in brief

Sky Diver includes a Demo, two Graphics tests, a Physics test and a Combined test. The Graphics tests measure GPU performance, the Physics test measures CPU performance, and the Combined test stresses both GPU and CPU.

The Demo does not affect the score. Graphics test 1 focuses on tessellation and uses a forward lighting method. Graphics test 2 focuses on pixel processing and uses compute shader-based deferred tiled lighting. The Physics test introduces a new approach that extends the performance range for which the test is relevant.

The test runs through four levels of work starting with the lightest and continuing to the heaviest unless the frame rate drops below a minimum threshold. The Combined test contains both graphics workloads and physics simulations to stress the CPU and GPU. The test uses a compute shader-based deferred tiled lighting method.

You’ll find more details in our 3DMark Technical Guide


If you guys are interested in trying this new benchmarking tool by FutureMark check out the link here!

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