League of Legends: Camille’s Ability Kit Revealed

Last week Camille, the newest League of Legends champion, was revealed in a comic called Severed Ties. In the comic Camille was shown to be a cold-blooded assassin who used strings and Hextech gear to deliver justice, and it got a lot of fans excited to find out about her abilities.

Luckily on Monday, Riot Games released more information on Camille, the Steel Shadow. Below full breakdown of everything you need to know about that girl who has knives for legs.

Camille’s Passive – Adaptive Defenses

Camille’s basic attacks on champions grant a shield against her opponent’s primary damage type. The shield’s strength increases based on Camille’s max HP.

Q – Precision Protocol

Camille’s next basic attack slashes the enemy for bonus physical damage and grants a short burst of movement speed. For a brief period after the initial cast, Camille can recast Precision Protocol for an additional strike. If she waits for a short period of time, the ability’s second attack will deal extra bonus damage and is partially converted to true damage.

 W – Tactical Sweep

Camille gathers energy, then blasts it forward in a cone, dealing physical damage to all targets hit. Enemies caught in the outer half of the sweep will be greatly slowed and take additional damage based on their maximum HP, healing Camille in the process.

E – Hook Shot and Wall Dive

First Cast: Camille fires a hookshot in a target direction; if she strikes a wall, she’ll pul herself to it. She’ll then have a brief window to cast Wall Dive.

Second Cast: Camille dashes in a target direction, stopping at the first champion hit and stunning all enemies in an area. If Camille dashes towards a champion, the range is increased and she gains bonus attack speed.

R – Hextech Ultimatum

Camille leaps onto a targeted enemy champion, imprisoning them in a zone and knocking away their allies. While the Ultimatum is active, the targeted enemy can’t leave the area by any means. This arena deactivates on its own after a brief period (or if Camille leaves the zone prematurely). While in the zone, Camille’s basic attacks deal additional magic damage.

Riot hasn’t said anything about what lane she would be best in, but judging from her ability kit she looks like a solid top or mid laner. What do you think about Camille? Can she compete with the other tanks in the top lane, or will she be chopping it up with the assassins in mid? Let us know in the comments below.

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