Kinesis Manipulates Newerth This Friday, Becomes HoN's 100th Hero

This Friday will mark the 100th hero released Heroes of Newerth and S2 Games is celebrating in a big way.

First, there’s the hero itself, Kinesis, a ranged intelligence hero who seems to be aimed at doing burst damage while removing a lot of creeps or trees. You can check out his spotlight video right here:

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Then there’s the celebration, which promises to be big.

First, S2 Games is holding a goblin gold coin give away, awarding players with in-game currency. Here’s the schedule for the coin giveaway:

  • Monday-Friday –
    1000 x $10 Gold coin packages each day
  • Saturday + Sunday –
    1000 x $50 Gold coin packages
  • Sunday –
    One Grand Prize Winner of 100,000 Gold Goblin Coins

In order to be qualified for the Grand Prize, you’d need to play and win at least one matchmaking game every day this week.

Next, anyone that is on a Free-2-Play account will have access to every hero this weekend.

Third, there will be another S2 vs Community event, offering prizes to everyone depending on the number of losses S2 has:

  • 5 x S2 Losses – 100 silver coins
  • 10 x S2 Losses – An exclusive symbol
  • 15 x S2 Losses – A free copy of the unreleased Voodoo Raptor Voodoo Jester Alt Avatar. We’ll even throw in a copy of Voodoo Jester for those F2P players who still haven’t picked him up yet.

Finally, after the release of Kinesis, S2 Games will be giving away free copies of the hero before he exits the “Early Access” phase:

In addition to the coin giveaway we will be releasing free copies of Kinesis through our social media channels at random times on launch day – Friday, March 2nd. To increase your chances of winning, Like us on Facebook at or follow us on twitter @heroesofnewerth. Only NA/EU players will be able to redeem these free copies of Kinesis and we’ll be giving them out periodically all day long so stay closely tuned.

It sounds like that Newerth will be the place to be this weekend. You can check out the full list of details for the festivities here.

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