FileGenius has released Version 5 of their storage and sharing solution, available for businesses and professional organizations. The upgrade is free for existing subscribers. Version 5 includes 25 new features, including but not limited to: a redesigned user interface, new dropbox features and a customizable pane for viewing files. It’s worth noting that FileGenius requires you to validate your company and does not allow the hosting of potentially illicit media files. It is, however, easy to use, very secure and cost efficient.
FileGenius isn’t for your typical day-to-day use, for which there are better alternatives like Dropbox and Skydrive. But for companies and large organizations that frequently need to share numerous files across many locations, FileGenius is worth looking into. FileGenius is easy to use, requiring no hardware or specificity software; it works within a web browser. For more information, including a demo and information on pricing, go to
Source: Applied Answers, Inc.