Fallout 4‘s highly expected Survival Mode has finally made it on Steam for PC. It’s still on Beta access and console users will have to wait for another month to put their hands on it.
Since the official release of Fallout 4, some hardcore fans have been asking systematically for an overhauled Survival Mode that would enable them to take their adventures through the wasteland to the limit. Bethesda has confirmed that the beta version of this challenge mode is already on Steam. The only thing you need to do is click on your copy in your Steam library and update the settings options.
Consoles, on the other hand, will get the update sometime next month. There are no final dates confirmed yet.
Bethesda had already announced this overhaul in February and they have complied with the time estimates that they gave back then. This renewed Survival Mode is the latest addition to the expanding universe of Fallout 4, which has already grown with the Automatron DLC, its first paid expansion pack released this month. Wasteland Workshop and Far Harbor are scheduled for April and May respectively.

Fallout 4’s Survival Mode Basics
Survival Mode is that daring challenge you will inflict upon yourself if you like to see hunger, sleep and disease defining each one of your steps.
In this mode, fast travel is disabled and we can only save our progress when we sleep for at least an hour. Apart from turning beds and compulsory exploration into our main commandments, our wanderer inflicts, but also receives, way more damage. This increased lethality works both ways with enemies, of course, turning each encounter into something more strategic and crucial than ever before.
Also, forget the comfort of knowing what awaits us nearby: threads and points of interests are not longer visible on our scope and only appear when we are pretty close to them. And when we start to feel that we have everything under control after all, exhaustion, hunger and thirst will eventually kick in and will cause some havoc in our S.P.E.C.I.A.L stats if unaddressed.
On the bright side, the new Survival Mode brings a brand new perk called “Adrenaline” that provides our character with a scaling bonus to the damage output. The more we kill, the better our adrenaline performance will be.

– Todd Howard; BGS Game Director.
There are more juicy details to this whole dimension of the Survival Mode on the official community forums of Fallout 4 so make sure you visit Bethesda.net to know more.