One sec, let me pry myself away from Diablo 3, and Max Payne 3.
Great games. Don’t miss either of ’em.
Welcome back, friends and fellow True Believers! This week’s installment of The Comic Fanatic has a couple meaty morsels for you. First of all, Avengers VS X-Men #4 is now available, check out my review. It’s not a bad issue, but feels like we’re still waiting for the main event to start. Uncanny X-Men #12 and Avengers #26 are tie-ins. Pretty good, especially Uncanny X-Men. Kieron Gillen is a rather good writer, and Namor is fun (and sex-crazy). Also, Hepzibah makes a nice cameo. Although something about the way Greg Land draws faces unnerves me a bit. They look off. Read my review for the full insight.
HOWEVER, I would like to alert your attention to this: Saga #3 is now on shelves. Go get it. Now. I’ll wait. It’s the one with the red ghost looking half-girl (top half) on the front and a black background. Yes. Seriously. Yes, she’s a ghost, no she doesn’t have legs. Pick it up. I know it’s weird, that’s why you’re picking it up. Order the first two if you haven’t read them yet. You’ll thank me later.

Brian K. Vaughan and Fiona Staples have done it again. Another issue of Saga, full of awesome (and weird). This book is awesome. I should probably elaborate a bit. The end of the second issue left our family in a rather precarious spot. Ghosts and monsters approaching, and the husband is gravely wounded. It’s then that we are introduced to Izabel, the ghost girl on the cover who looks like she’ll be a fairly main character. Which is good, she’s cool. This issue also has the return of the Robot Prince (guy with the TV head), and we learn a bit more about it. Also, The Stalk (spider lady from #2) has a cameo with The Will and The Lying Cat. It’s weird, but so good. I wish it came out more often.
This series is strange, wonderful, full of interesting and very, very different characters. The world keeps expanding and getting stranger (is it steam-punk? fantasy? sci-fi?), but Vaughn doesn’t lose sight of the story that he wants to tell, and the characters therein. It’s the mark of a good writer that you get a good feel for what a character would and wouldn’t do after only a few issues. That said, the best story in the world wouldn’t make a good comic without a good artist, and Staples is more than just good.
So go pick up Saga and Avengers VS X-Men. Good times to be had. I really don’t think you’ll be disappointed.
And if you’re playing Diablo 3 feel free to add me. BattleTag: theindiegeek#1702