Killzone 3 made it in on out top 10 most expensive games to create, we know that the story is impeccable, and it recently went gold…so what else could be laying in wait for us in the form of news? Well Sony is throwing in 1 hell of a deal: purchasing Killzone 3 will give you early access to the SOCOM 4: U.S. Navy SEALs beta. Killzone 3 arrives next month, and SOCOM 4 is due sometime in April. So what do you think, sweet deal or useless incentive? (Keep in mind that both games do have Move support.)
Buy Killzone 3, get SOCOM 4
- By: Charles Powers
- Published:
- at
- Tagged: beta, games, killzone, PlayStation 3 games, socom, socom 4, sony, u s navy, United States Navy
- Filed Under: Gaming