Avatar Kinect Launches and Feels Useless

Avatar Kinect has finally launched but was it worth the CES hype? The answer, not really instead of being the interesting tech demo we saw at CES it’s become a party chat with your avatars. The real question is who and why would anyone use this? When party chat is right there and I can multitask while talking what’s the point? Now lets go through the ridiculousness that is even using this thing. First I connect my Kinect, turn on my Xbox, go to the Kinect dashboard, open the Kinect Funlabs app (hopefully it doesn’t freeze on you) navigate to the “my apps” and open Avatar Kinect. How do I use party chat? Go to one of my friends profiles and press “X”. This seems like a another tech demo beta bribing us with gamerscore to test it for them.

Don’t get me wrong I see the awesome potential. Imagine a Left 4 Dead that had the AI director adjust difficulty based on facial expressions. How about DLC for L.A. Noire where you are interrogated. Unfortunately similarly to the device itself, so far I doubt Microsoft nor any other big studios use the little camera that could to it’s full potential. What do you think? Please leave a comment below so we know what other fanatics are thinking. Game Junkies Unite!

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