For those picking up Atari’s and CD Projekt’s The Witcher 2 today, you’ll be happy to hear that any and all downloadable content for this RPG game will be free. Starting today, there will be a DLC called Troll Trouble available and it will be one of hopefully many DLCs that PC fans will be able to play. The only thing that gamers would have to purchase, will be expansion packs for the game. CD Projekt has put a lot of time to make this game a long, adventurous tale with much more to come. Hopefully this will boost the replay value and longevity of The Witcher 2.
All DLC for The Witcher 2 Will Cost Zero Dollars
- By: Jennifer Kibble
- Published:
- at
- Tagged: atari, downloadable content, expansion packs, The Witcher 2
- Filed Under: Gaming